
The latest insights from the Introspective team.


5-Minute Chatbot Session With Keith Lehman

We’re fortunate enough to have the CTO and Co-Founder of Brightmerge, Keith Lehman, tell us more about how Brightmerge is a game-changer. With over 16 years working in AI and

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Lessons from Microgrids Applied to the COVID-19 Crisis

By Trevor Gionet and Kay Aikin   There are parallels between COVID-19 responses and the management of the electrical grid of the future. Concepts like “flattening the curve”1 and” self-quarantine”

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Everybody Wins with an Unlimited Vacation Policy

The first thing you hear when you tell someone that your company is moving to unlimited vacation time is, “Great; I’ll be taking the next 11 months off!” But when

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5-Minute Chatbot Session with Bjørn Tjomsland

We’re lucky to have the opportunity to work with Bjørn Tjomsland through our strategic partnership with W.Giertsen Energy. We met him last summer in Norway and were inspired by his

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5 Question Chatbot Session with E2Tech’s Executive Director, Melissa Winne

Meet Melissa Winne, E2Tech’s Executive Director. As the public face of the organization, she serves as a champion of the Maine energy, environmental, and clean technology cluster. She manages a

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The Real Iron Lady

Last week our team experienced a near tragedy. We felt it would be appropriate to share the experience with our friends, supporters, and business contacts. Susan Ruhlin’s blog below recounts

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Price Rollback and the Energy Grid for the Future

The principle of transactive energy controls, millions of devices in the system are making decisions based on supply and demand

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What to Measure? How One Data Scientist Gets Big Brand Marketers to Measure What Matters.

At the crossroads of advertising and statistics lives the practice of Marketing Analytics.  It is here that marketers strive to prove their value and statisticians seek to demonstrate their relevance. 

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xGraph, A Natural Ecosystem

Read Research Scientist, Jack Clark’s simple yet elegant blog on biomimicry below: Biomimicry is a field of science and a way of thinking about the world that seeks to find

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Transactive Energy and Blockchain: Can Technology Tackle Our Big Challenges?

Read Kay’s guest blog in the Industry Perspective’s section of  Microgrid Knowledge.       The business world is smitten with blockchain, with energy no exception. Blockchain can solve some

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